Restoring forests, restoring communities: lessons from Shinyanga

by David Charles How secure resource rights help communities in Africa restore forests and build local economies “Landscape restoration is not new,” said Steven Lawry, former director of CIFOR’s Forests and Governance Research portfolio. “But global and national commitments such as the Bonn Challenge and AFR100 and the urgency of addressing climate change mean that a qualitatively different approach…

Tony Rinaudo: ‘The Forest Maker’

Tony Awarded Order of Australia Australian agronomist Tony Rinaudo has gained global recognition as ‘The Forest Maker’, through his Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) method. Since 1983, Tony has demonstrated on a grand scale how drylands can be regreened at minimal cost, providing a solution to address extreme deforestation and desertification across the Sahel region…