Talking about water and nature-based solutions with Judith D. Schwartz

Each month we’re reading a new book that explores themes related to caring for our planet as part of The Global EverGreening Alliance’s Book Club. This August, we read ‘Water in Plain Sight: Hope for a Thirsty World’, by acclaimed author Judith D. Schwartz. Judith explores nature-based solutions to the world’s global environmental and economic challenges.…

Land, Security and Climate Summer Academy: 26-30 June 2019

Supported by major partners such as UNCCD, IUCN and Global Evergreening Alliance, this 5 day residential course aims to connect the dots between land, security and climate change.  Land degradation, conflict, climate change, population pressure and poor governance can interact in negative feedback loops, directly impacting the health and livelihoods of 1.5 billion people. On…

EverGreen Agriculture: a solution to degraded landscapes

A visit to Embu County, Kenya, two years ago has birthed a very promising project to address the challenges emanating from land degradation. While visiting Purity Gachanga, an agroforestry champion, Dr. Roberto Ridolfi, Director for Sustainable Growth and Development at the Directorate General for Development and Cooperation, was impressed by the transformation that trees could…

Scaling up FMNR, CAWT and planted agroforestry

Challenges and Opportunities 1. FMNR – Widespread with diverse range of trees with multiple products and uses 2. Faidherbia – highly valued but distribution is not uniform and densities are low: Natural regeneration in natural range Plant air pruned seedlings outside its range Direct sow with pre treated seed 3. Other Planted Systems: Tephrosia, P peas, Gliricidia etc…

Trees on agricultural land sink four times more carbon

Trees grown on agricultural land significantly contribute to global carbon budgets, say authors in this recent study. If carbon from trees grown on agricultural land was well accounted for, total carbon estimates for agricultural land would be more than four times higher than they currently are, they add. This is good news, and getting better: between…

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